Answers to the most frequently asked
questions about the tendering software
How can I integrate my company logo in my account?
You can integrate your own company logo by clicking on ‘Parameters’. The logo will appear on the platform for purchasers and on the bid page for bidders. It will also be used in all email communication.

How can I change the language?
You can set the language in the app yourself by clicking on ‘Parameters’.

How can I change/manage the text modules in my call for tenders?
By clicking on ‘Parameters’, then ‘Company’, you are able to enter text modules in the app, which can then be used for messages or descriptions. for example.

How can I add/create a new company contact as a bidder?
Simply click on ‘Company contacts’ to upload a file with the relevant details or click on the ‘+’ button in the bottom left-hand margin to enter the data manually. First of all, you will need to enter the company details, followed by the contact details of the person within the company who you deal with.

How can I manage existing categories and add new categories?
You can create a new category, manage an existing category or delete an old category using ‘Parameters -> Company contacts’ All users will have access to the new category.

How can I stand in for a colleague and take over his tenders in progress?
By clicking on ‘Stand in for someone’ in the app, you can view all of your colleague’s current tendering processes and carry out actions on his or her behalf. No specific parameters need to be configured in advance.

How can I keep a track of my call for tenders and transfer all details (overview) into a tender record file?
The system automatically records all activities relating to a particular call for tenders in the background. A tender record file for current tenders can be created using the ‘Progress’ tab.

How can I compare the prices of bids in current calls for tender?
For current and concluded tenders, a bid comparison can be set up using the ‘Evaluation’ tab. The comparison can also be downloaded as an Excel file.

How can I add another company as a bidder once a call for tenders has been launched?
New bidders can be requested to submit a bid in an existing call for tenders. The bidder’s email address can also be amended at a later date if the master data contains an error.

How can I extend the deadline of a current bid for tenders?
You can extend the deadline by clicking on ‘My invitations to tender’ and ‘Parameters’. (You must be in editing mode to do so; click on the ‘Edit’ button.)

How can I set up a reminder for all bidders/participants taking part in a call for tenders?
You can set up an automatically generated reminder for participants when you create a new call for tenders or for tenders that are currently running. The message text can be composed freely or selected from a template, and the frequency can be configured to be sent once or several times (e.g. on specific dates). You can select ‘All participants’, ‘Only participants who have not yet submitted a bid’, or ‘Only participants who have not yet opened the call for tenders’.

How do I create a new call for tenders?
Once you have successfully registered, you can start a new call for tenders by clicking on ‘New invitation to tender’. Edit the name of a call for tenders, select the type of call for tenders, determine the deadline for bids and fill in the information in the ‘Items’, ‘Settings’, ‘Supporting documents’ and ‘Participants’ tabs. As soon as a bidder has been selected, the invitation to tender can be saved and sent. Participants then receive an email requesting that they submit a bid.

How can I duplicate a call for tenders?
Any call for tenders, whether current or closed, can be saved easily as a template. Basic data, supporting documents, individual tender items and bidders are duplicated in the template, as well as all text.

How do participants/bidders submit their tenders?
Bidders receive an email requesting that they submit a tender. The email contains the most important information, such as the name of the invitation to tender and deadline for bids. The bidder can begin preparing his bid simply by clicking on the link provided. Once the bidder has entered the price, answered necessary questions and attached relevant supporting documents, the bid can be submitted. Alternatively, the bidder can decline the invitation to tender by entering a reason for not participating. The purchaser in charge of the call for tenders receives an email whenever a bidder responds. The bidder also receives a confirmation mail and can consult the content of his bid, make any necessary amendments (if the deadline has not expired) or print a copy of his bid.